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The museum building turns 25

25 Years Groninger Museum
25 Years Groninger Museum © Groninger Museum


The Groninger Museum building turns 25 this year, and our anniversary month of October will be filled with festive activities. We will celebrate with three special exhibitions, plus a competition and a weekend-long birthday party.


In the museum from 15 June


In the museum’s entrance hall, you go downstairs by way of Alessandro Mendini’s stunning staircase. How many tiles make up the mosaic? We counted! Guess the number for a chance to win a nice prize.

Only in the museum

Petit fours

Museum petit fours

To mark the building’s anniversary, three special petit fours return to the menu this October at the MendiniRestaurant. At a dinner with fellow museum directors a quarter century ago, Frans Haks, then head of the Groninger Museum, was told that his building was “dessert architecture”. The remark was intended as an insult, but Haks chose to take it as a compliment. He believed the museum should arouse all the senses; for him, tasting was as essential as looking and listening. And so three petit fours shaped like the museum’s pavilions were created. Served in the café for years, they make their reappearance this October.

Party weekend
Saturday 26 and Sunday 27 October

Party weekend

We’ll celebrate in style on Saturday 26 and Sunday 27 October to mark the Groninger Museum building’s 25th birthday. A range of artists will perform, the studio will be open, and visitors can check out the Mondo Mendini exhibition. On Saturday and Sunday the admission will be free. The museum will even stay open until 10pm on Saturday night. Everyone’s invited!

Late October

Documentary: 25 years of Groninger Museum building

A documentary on the Groninger Museum building’s 25th anniversary will premiere in late October. The film looks at the building itself and traces the story of the headstrong former museum director Frans Haks, who was responsible for its construction. Documentary filmmakers Eric Blom and Frénk van der Linden follow the preparations for the anniversary exhibitions and examine the enchanting effect of the building, inside and out.


The first thing you notice about the Groninger Museum, is the building itself. That alone is worth a visit.

Groninger Museum

Discover the Groninger Museum in 3D

Discover the Groninger Museum in 3D! The 3D model of the Groninger Museum building is available on the multi touch table in the Info Centre. Click, play and learn more about the museum.

The programma and exhibition celebrating the 25 aniversary of the Groninger Museum building are made possible by GasTerra and Gasunie.