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Open Monumentendag: architectuurrondleiding in Wall House #2

Wall House #2 - A.J.Lutulistraat 17, 9728 WT, Groningen


During Open Monumentendag on Sunday 10 September, Erik Dorsman (historian of architecture and urban design) will give a tour of the special architecture of Wall House #2

On the banks of the Hoornsemeer in Groningen is a special architectural icon (2001): Wall House #2. This colorful building was designed by American architect John Hejduk. The different rooms are attached to a large wall of 18 meters wide and 14 meters high. It is Hejduk's only Wall House from a whole series of designs that was actually built. That makes it extra special!

When: Sunday, September 10, 2023

Start: 14:00 (Dutch), 14:45 (Dutch), 15:30 (English)


Please note: max 12 participants per group, full = full

Participation: €3.00 (pay with PIN before the start)

Practical information

When zondag 10 september om 14:00 (Nederlands), 14:45 (Nederlands) en 15:30 (Engels)
Where Wall House #2
Price 3 euro (betalen bij aankomst)
  • NL
  • EN